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Date   : Sun, 05 Feb 2006 11:39:40 -0000 
From   : Littlefield Aaron <CALITTLEFIEL@...>
Subject: Re: Making a 3.5" Beeb floppy drive

I remember the +D, and very attractive it was back then. I really wanted to
get my hands on one but I was sadly a poor school kid then (sob!). Didn't
they do a video-digitizer too or was that the Multiface people?

Anyhow, back to 3.5" drives, the MGT drives were fairly modern when they
were released (I'm guessing it was early 90's), so it's probably quite easy
to hijack it for a BBC drive. It may already be compatible?

Let me know how you get on, MGT stuff must be fairly collectable now.
Slightly off topic - I always fancied the Sam Coupe they made....

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
A.J. Davis
Sent: 04 February 2006 20:08
To: BBC Micro Mailing List
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Making a 3.5" Beeb floppy drive

Hereward Hall wrote:

>While I am about it, I was wondering whether anyone knows about the
availability of double 3.5" drives. I used to have a Sinclair QL 3.5" double
drive that I bought over
>eBay. It now doesn't work I believe because of a power surge during a
I have a double drive which came with my Sinclair Spectrum disk 
interface - the MGT (Miles Gordon Technology) +D.  However, in my 
experience, they rarely come along for sale on Ebay and suchlike. I also 
once saw a 3.5" and 5.25" double drive unit on Ebay but missed out on it 
by a few pence!

I would imagine that all the parts in a double drive are as replaceable 
as a standard single-height drive.  The transformer parts are pretty 
much off-the-shelf components and the drives in mine are just normal 
single drives, jumpered, but in a double height case.

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