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Date   : Sat, 04 Feb 2006 20:51:59 +0000
From   : Paul J <peterbilt@...>
Subject: Re: Watford Sideways ZIF socket


Yes it is the motherboard end, I tried Maplin, only do 16pin. Farnell have
the part, but minimum order is £20 with £3 handling charge.

Anyone has any ideas where you can get hold off one-off orders for these
kind of parts. Maplin seem to be removing a lot of components from their


On 2/4/06, Sprow <info@...> wrote:
> In article <d1c1b84c0602041108u319f2949x4c37f56195f04f69@...>,
>   Paul J <peterbilt@...> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Finally got hold off the Watford Sideways ZIP socket, the green one tha
> > plugs in to the ashtray with a ribbon cable to a dil socket that plugs
> in
> > to
> > an empty rom socket. Only problem is that three off the pins are broken
> > any ideas how I can repair this ?
> Which end? If it's the end which goes into the motherboard then these are
> readily available parts. eg. Farnell 105-621 at £1.98.
> Amazingly, the catalogue description still says
> "28 pin version ideally suited to applications within the BBC Micro eg.
> remote EPROM memory extensions"
> suggesting there's either a closet beeb fan workin in Leeds or the
> catalogue
> editor can't be bothered deleting the text!
> Sprow.

<div>Yes it is the motherboard end, I tried Maplin, only do 16pin. Farnell
have the part, but minimum order is £20 with £3 handling charge. </div>
<div>Anyone has any ideas where you can get hold off one-off orders for the
se kind of parts. Maplin seem to be removing a lot of components from their
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 2/4/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">S
prow</b> &lt;<a href="mailto:info@...">info@sprow.co.uk</a>&gt; w
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">In article &lt;<a href="mailto
</a>&gt;,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Paul J &lt;<a href="mailto:peterbilt@...">
peterbilt@...</a>&gt; wrote:<br>&gt; Hi,<br><br>&gt; Finally got hold
 off the Watford Sideways ZIP socket, the green one that<br>&gt; plugs in t
o the ashtray with a ribbon cable to a dil socket that plugs in
<br>&gt; to<br>&gt; an empty rom socket. Only problem is that three off the
 pins are broken,<br>&gt; any ideas how I can repair this ?<br><br>Which en
d? If it's the end which goes into the motherboard then these are<br>readil
y available parts. eg. Farnell 105-621 at £1.98.
<br><br>Amazingly, the catalogue description still says<br><br>&quot;28 pin
 version ideally suited to applications within the BBC Micro eg.<br>remote
EPROM memory extensions&quot;<br><br>suggesting there's either a closet bee
b fan workin in Leeds or the catalogue
<br>editor can't be bothered deleting the text!<br>Sprow.<br><br><br></bloc

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