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Date   : Sat, 04 Feb 2006 09:54:37 -0000
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: etymology

> If you google on 'Meccano "box deluxe"', you wont find a 
> single reference to
> this 'box deluxe' that isn't in the context of this supposed 
> etymology.
> If it did exist, why do no Meccano sites mention it ?
> It has the ring of an urban legend to me...

I agree that there is a lack of evidence, but just because you "can't" find
it on the internet doesn't mean to say that it is not true. Funny how we
seem to have had the inverse of that in recent years - "don't believe
everything you read on the internet". Are we starting a change in perception
of internet content? :-)

Also, I would say, if it were an urban legend it would be more likely to be
on the internet. That said, I agree that if the OED compilers have not even
mentioned this as a possible source that it must be treated as a potential,
tempting but unproven theory.

Regarding Programme and Program, the Cambridge dictionary online has the
English definitions of the two. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ (Cambridge
obviously being more relevant to the origins of this list).

I must admit, this week on the list, the quality of grammar and spelling has
improved dramatically, which can only be described as a positive thing for
the list before we are accused of being off-topic ;-) I had no idea that we
are also such a group of pedants at times, and on the whole in a light
hearted manner. It really can be a great pleasure to take part in this list.


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