Date : Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:28:55 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Graphics extension rom
> Message-ID: <20060129001947.17738.qmail@...>
Peter Craven <cjl_craves@...> wrote:
> Does anybody have instructions, extra plot commands, etc. for use of
> Graphics Extension ROM? Does this ROM work on Master Computer?
PLOT numbers:
b1-b0: 00 Move
01 Draw in current foreground colour
10 Draw in logical inverse colour
11 Draw in current background colour
b2: 0 Relative coordinates
1 Absolute coordinates
If %00------:
b3: 0 Last point in lines plotted
1 Last point in lines omitted
b4: 0 Draw in solid lines
1 Draw in dotted lines
b5: 0 First point in lines plotted
1 First point in lines omitted (GXR/Master only)
If <>%00---xxx:
b7-b3: 01000xxx 64+xxx Plot single point
01001xxx 72+xxx Horizontal line fill
01010xxx 80+xxx Plot filled triangle
01011xxx 88+xxx Horizontal line blanking to right
The following are available on the B/B+/E with GXR, and built in
to Masters.
01100xxx 96+xxx Plot rectangle
01101xxx 104+xxx Horizontal line fill
01110xxx 112+xxx Plot parallelogram
01111xxx 120+xxx Horizontal line fill to nonbackground
10000xxx 128+xxx Flood fill nonbackground
10001xxx 136+xxx Flood fill foreground
10010xxx 144+xxx Plot circle outline
10011xxx 152+xxx Plot circle filled
10100xxx 160+xxx Plot arc
10101xxx 168+xxx Plot filled chord segment
10110xxx 176+xxx Plot filled sector
10111xyy 184+xyy Move or copy rectangle
b1-b0: 00 Do nothing
01 Move rectangle
10 Copy rectangle
11 Move and copy rectangle, ie swap rectangle
11000xxx 192+xxx Plot ellipse outline
11001xxx 200+xxx Plot ellipse filled
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
Our chief weapons are 'who', 'ps -aux', 'kill -9', and a fanatical devotion
to 'reboot -q'.