Date : Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:42:17 +0000
From : "A.J. Davis" <mail@...>
Subject: Re: Toccata music in MP3 format
Richard Hobbis wrote:
>Does anyone have a copy of Bach's Toccata, as played on the Beeb, in MP3
>I remember that it was one of my favourite pieces and used it to show
off to my friends how good the sound on the Beeb was So, #1 I'd like to
hear the tune again, and #2 I'd like to check with him if it really is
the one he encoded (I might be working with one of my heroes! ;)
>Does anyone have an MP3 version of it online?
>And if it's in ZIP format, so much the better because the Network Nazis
won't let us download MP3s but we can download ZIP files ... strange.
There's probably other ways to do it, but I'd download the disk image
with it on and fire up the PC program AUDACITY to capture the audio to MP3.