Date : Sun, 22 Jan 2006 16:09:59 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Acorn Reuters Board
> Message-ID: <43D2BFA9.70901@...>
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> > Does anyone know what to do with an Acorn Reuters Board?
> Give it to meeeeee ;)
> Seriously though, nice find - I've only ever seen pictures of one before.
I've got four! Piccies at
> Also from memory, they use modified firmware rather than any standard Acorn
> ROM - I don't actually know how much of a standard beeb the boards are
> *maybe* they'd boot a normal beeb OS ROM and give you a rackable beeb...
I made images of the ROMs. The OS reports itself as "Acorn OS 64K"
with *HELP and *FX0 reporting "OS R0.3"
It appears to be a modified B+ MOS. It supports shadow screen
memory, and also has *UK and *US commands to set the default
screen size. I did a test with the Reuters MOS in my Beeb years
ago and it booted up fine. INKEY-256 returns either &FF or &FE
depending on the *UK/*US setting. OsByte 0,<>0 returns 2
indicating it is a B+
The terminal is supplied with:
* NFS 3.65 with machine type set to &0202 indicating Reuters/BBC B.
* RCP - the Reuters terminal program
* A ROM full of data which looks like part of the Reuters terminal
See for ROM images.
Probably all you need to get a rack-mounted Beeb is a BASIC ROM.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC IDE Hard Drive Interface -