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Date   : Sat, 21 Jan 2006 23:02:07 +0000
From   : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Unknown 'Kenda' module?

I have retrieved it.  I needed something to fill in the time whilst downloading
the Xebec manual.  It was in the box of Atoms, I had forgotten I had four
Atoms but I don't think they all work.

Several of the pins are bent on my module and one of them is broken off
altogether.  I think I did this trying to straighten them so I have never used
it.  There are also several chips and a wire link stuck into the underside of
the bit of foam which the ribbon cable connector is plugged into.  These are a
74LS123, 2 7438s and a 74LS00.

I also have the manual.  It sounds quite good from reading it.  The introduction
says it is the "Kenda Software Services Disc Management Filing System" and has
several "unique features" such as:

- double density storage
- standard CP/M filenames and disc drive conventions
- files which have been erased can be unerased
- no user RAM required by DMFS.

To fit it you need to insert the ICs as follows:

- 74LS00 in IC77 (should already by present in Model B)
- 7438 in IC79
- 7438 in IC80
- 74LS123 in IC87
- wire link in IC86 between pins 1 & 4

Then fit the DMFS (sounds similar to a certain SJ Research file server,
doesn't it?)
to IC78 in place of the 8271.

Ensure link S8 is made and link S9 is not made.  Iss 3 boards need a slight
mod as

The lead with the plug connects to a sideways ROM socket with the spare
holes in the
socket towards the front of the BBC.

Then switch on and you should get "Mighty Oak DMFS 1.01 - KSSL" in place
of "Acorn DFS"
or similar.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Ian Wolstenholme
To:  <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 20:59:55 +0000
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Unknown 'Kenda' module?

Yes, I've got one.  It's called Kemda DMFS I think, and I was led to believe
it was some sort of disc interface.  I think I've got a manual as well.

It's a great big heavy black thing with pins sticking out from what I can
I think it is buried in a box of Atoms somewhere so I will have to dig it out.

I bought it off E-Bay but the individual who sold it sent it in a plastic
mailer without
any other protection so I think it was damaged in transit so may be unusable.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To:   bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 20:22:30 +0000
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Unknown 'Kenda' module?

Anyone know what this this? Found in a BBC B earlier - black module about 10cm 
x 20cm and 1cm high, with a trailing ribbon cable that plugs into one of the 
beeb's ROM sockets. Also has a 40 pin plug underneath which plugs straight 
into the floppy disk controller socket on the BBC board.

Made by "The Kenda Group", seem to be called "The Professional" and also says 
"incorporating DMFS", whatever that is.

Unfortunately it's potted, so I can't take it to bits to see what's inside
- grr!

If it's disk controller upgrade it seems a little large - we did wonder 
whether it was some sort of solid state floppy drive?

Anyone come across one before?




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