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Date   : Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:40:37 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Master to SCART

> In any event, using 3.6V eff vs. 0.7V eff. maximum I get Rrgb >=243 Ohm
> and I recommend using about 330 Ohm. It depends on your TV settings, I
> use 330 because it gives me nice bright picture similar to my TV
> settings so I won't have to mess about with brightness when I switch to
> the SCART input and back...

I use the same value resistors on RGB and a 270 on sync for the TV
downstairs as that has quite a few devices plugged into it, ntl box (grrr),
PS2, Xbox, DVD and sometimes a Beeb or an A540. It just keeps the image
dynamics pretty much the same, that way, I don't have to start twiddling the
image settings.

On the TV upstairs (a 1988 vintage 25" Sony) I just use it for the Master so
the lead is nice and simple. No resistors anywhere, 3.8v to RGB and 4.1v to
sync. You've obviously got to turn down the contrast, but the picture is
absolutely pin sharp. As bright as a Microvitec but as sharp as a Philips.

Dave ;)

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