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Date   : Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:21:49 GMT
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: Master to SCART

In message <4deacd9d22info@...>
          Sprow <info@...> wrote:

> I tend to think it might be. The instructions seem quite odd, if we assume
> the sync is driving into 75R (as it's on the normal composite input) then
> it's going to be about
>  5 * 75/(270+75)
> or 1.08V, that's huge for a composite sync, which would normally be about
> 0.3V.
> As the RGB lines don't carry any sync information, it's possible that the TV
> is also recovering the black level from the back porch region of the sync.
> I would favour series 1N4148 diodes myself, else a larger resistor, say
> 470R. Infact it seems odd to suggest needing 220 and 270R parts - maybe it's
> a typo in the translation to the webpage?
> Sprow.
> > How long is the cable, is it screened, and
> > if so, have you connected the screen to the plug screen at both ends?
This is the wiring I used for my Master to TV and it works perfectly

Scart connector pinout:
   \  20                           2   |
    \  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    |
     \                                 |
      |                                |
      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
      | 19                           1 |
      +--------------------------------+21 = shielding (case)

BBC Din plug             SCART plug

red    (1) -- 430 ohm -- red (15)

green  (2) -- 430 ohm -- green (11)

blue   (3) -- 430 ohm -- blue (7)

sync   (4) -- 430 ohm -- video input (composite) (20)

0 V    (5) ------------- blue gnd (5), green gnd (9), red gnd (13),
                         blanking gnd (14), RGB switching control gnd (18)
                         ( I use the wire shield for this connection )

5 V    (6) -- 82 ohm --- RGB switching control (16)

430 ohm Yellow Orange Brown, 82 ohm Grey Red Black

If you've got a monospaced font for your email that should look right.

Cheers Wookie.

A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation
Q: Why is top posting dumb?

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