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Date   : Tue, 17 Jan 2006 15:28:40 -0000
From   : Littlefield Aaron <CALITTLEFIEL@...>
Subject: Please put my mind to rest!

Hello everyone,

I wonder if you guys could possibly help me here. I upgraded an issue 7 BBC
B to Acorn DFS (courtesy of Beebmaster); all went well and an initial turn
on splashed up the 'Acorn DFS'. I checked the drive by loading Acornsoft
Spellbinder and it was fine. So far so good.

Here's where I'm puzzled, of the disks I have left (obtained from various
sources and different drives) I couldn't get any of them to load up. They
would quite happily tell me what was on the disks when using a *CAT or
whatever it is. However if I tried to SHIFT+BREAK all I'd ever seem to get
was error messages.

I understand that there are sometimes some issues associated with disks
formatted on other drives etc, and part of me wonders if the drive (a
minty-fresh Cumana) is on the blink slightly.

Could I have installed DFS correctly? Would Spellbinder have loaded
otherwise? I'm having a bit of a guilt trip as I recently sold the machine
to a colleague at work, and I'm hoping I've not sold him either a duff disk
drive or a dud DFS beeb.

Any ideas? Bit late now though....


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