Date : Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:13:28 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Jet Set Willy 1 for the BBC Micro:
This was posted recently on the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy
mailing list:
:: Area: #0 (Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy)
Message: 40868 (Read 1 time, has 0 replies, 4407 bytes)
Date : Mon Jan 9 00:55:38 2006 -0000
>From : john_elliott_uk <no_reply@...>
So far, I've tried downloading JSW for the Beeb from three places:
With all of these, the Watch Tower appears to be corrupt. Now,
admittedly I haven't tried getting there longhand, so to speak; I just
set the start room (POKE 3454,1; or in Beeb parlance, ?3454=1). This
works fine with other rooms, but if I try it with the Watch Tower then
the game crashes with a few cells on the screen at random-ish
positions and a "Bad Program" message.
What's interesting is that the copy from the first two sources has
had the scrolly message changed by the person who cracked it, but the
third hasn't; it may be an original disc image. In which case, the
fault may have been in the game as released.
If anyone has a version of BBC JSW where they can get to the Watch
Tower unmolested, do let me know.
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