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Date   : Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:19:22 +1100
From   : Daniel Bowen <danielbowen@...>
Subject: Transfer Beeb to PC help needed

Okay, I've finally got what should be the correct RS423 to RS232
serial cable (the old DIN to 15 pin cable, plus null modem, plus PC
serial cable with appropriate gender changer/adapter to 9 pin)... and
I've been trying to get xfer working.

xfer3 goes down in flames at the first hurdle, with errors suggesting
that it's really not happy running under Windows 2000.

xfer4 gets stuck when claiming it's transferring the program to the
Beeb. It also insists on using COM port 1, which I hope is right, but
I'm not actually sure, since I never use them on the PC. In any case,
changing it to COM port 2 in the INI file (by copying the format from
xfer3, since the xfer4 ini file helpfully doesn't include it) seems to
have no effect, no matter if the INI file is in the program directory,
or the system or system32 directories (where the docs say it should

Any tips on this, anybody? Or is there other software I should be trying?

In fact, is there a simple test to check the cable is working?

None of this is made easier by the fact that I noticed smoke and a
funny smell coming out of the (otherwise working) BBC disc drive, so
it's unplugged until I'm actually ready to try and feed it a disc to

Maybe I should find that old copy of BBC Kermit I have somewhere?


Daniel Bowen, Melbourne, Australia

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