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Date   : Thu, 08 Dec 2005 23:58:58 GMT
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Vanishing electronics suppliers

On Dec 6 2005, 18:06, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> Has anybody else noticed how difficult it is getting to obtain
> electronics supplies?

Some things, yes.  RS, CPC and Farnell are still fairly good.  Farnell
and CPC now have fairly good standards-based websites that have good
(ie they now work!) search facilities and don't require stupid Active X

> Maplin don't do PCB-mounted IDC plugs, Molex pins, various
> 74-series ICs. In fact, most of the bits I need for the IDE
> interface.

Most 74-series and 74LS-series (and relations) especially in DIL
packages have been obsolete for years.  That's why the range available
is restricted and getting more so every year.

> My only alternative now is online ordering from places like
> Farnell, which require a credit card, which I don't have and won't
> get.

Or a debit card.  "Payment can be made via Farnell InOne Account,
credit card, debit card, direct debit, or corporate purchasing card."

> And I've just used the last of my BBC power plugs. I haven't seen
> them for sale anywhere for yonks. On my equipment I have replaced
> the power connector with a 9-pin D connector with Torch pinouts,
> but I can't supply hardware to other people and specify that they
> modify their PSUs before using it.
> What on *earth* possessed Acorn to use that connector on the PSU?

It was one from a standard range of the time, and moreover was what
Astec, who made those supplies, used on similar supplies for other
companies (eg Apple Computer).  It was actually a reasonable choice.
 It's worth bearing in mind that many other contemporary low-end
multipole power connectors are just as obsolete.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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