Date : Wed, 07 Dec 2005 12:42:31 +0000 (GMT)
From : Tim Fardell <tim.fardell@...>
Subject: Re: Vanishing electronics suppliers
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Jules Richardson wrote:
> That's what I do. Actually as I tend to go abroad a lot, I just set mine
up a
> few years ago so the credit card balance is automatically transferred to the
> current account - so I don't have to worry about being in the country when
> payment's due. Think you can only do that if your credit and debit card are
> with the same bank though...
Paying the bill by Direct Debit achieves the same end (my method).
Only relevant to UK readers, but I've just signed-up for a Nationwide
credit-card - they don't charge any fee on ANY foreign-currency
transactions (except the usual things like cash advances which always
attract a fee) and they also absorb the 1% fee that VISA charge them, and
give you 0.5% cashback to boot :-)
I have no association whatsoever with the Nationwide - I just thought
their c/c looked good, and thought I would share it, since the topic came
up :-)