Date : Tue, 06 Dec 2005 14:59:53 +0000
From : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: Test Sideways Ram
Paul J wrote:
> Hi,
> My friends machine has a solidisk sideways ram with solidisk dfs. I am
> trying to test the sideways ram, but can not load the utilities disk
> as the disk is shot. The last time I got the menu program to load and
> run, it just locked up.
> Is there a short basic/assembly prog I can type in to test sideways
> ram, write a few bytes to a rom socket and read them back ?
> Found the call to read a byte from ROM, but not write a byte ?
> There are a couple of roms in this machine that do not seem to display
> any header on boot or respond to *HELP command. Is there a short
> basic/assembly prog I can type in to interrogate a rom at a specific
> socket ?
> Regards,
> Paul
RUN this:
10 P%=&900
20 [OPT 2
30 sei
40 lda &f4:pha
50 lda &80:sta &fe30
60 lda #&AA:sta (&70):lda (&70):sta &81
70 lda #&55:sta (&70):lda (&70):sta &82
80 pla
90 sta &fe30
100 cli
110 rts:]
120 FOR b=4 to 7
130 t = FALSE
140 PRINT "Testing Bank 0...."
150 ?&80 = b
160 FOR a=&8000 to &bfff
170 !&70 = a
280 CALL &900
290 IF ?&81 <> &AA OR ?&82 <> &55 THEN PRINT "Fault at bank ";b;"
address &";~a:t=TRUE
300 NEXT
310 IF t THEN PRINT "Bank ";b;" FAILED"' ELSE PRINT "Bank ";b;" PASSED"'
320 NEXT
It'll tell you which banks are faulty, and at which address.
-- Richard