Date : Mon, 28 Nov 2005 20:42:29 +0000
From : Andy Armstrong <andy@...>
Subject: Re: Any Acorn old-timers in the house?
On 28 Nov 2005, at 20:07, Jules Richardson wrote:
> Andy Armstrong wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to get an oral history of the early days of Acorn off
>> the ground. Check out for the sort of thing I'm
>> thinking of.
> Good luck! (*not* meant in a "that's going to be difficult" way :)
> Some useful reference stuff if you haven't found it already:
> ... regarding the codenames, I asked about others on usenet in
> comp.sys.acorn.hardware a while ago; a search via google should
> show up the thread - there were a few which weren't on the list.
Thanks for that - I think I found most of them. I'm more interested
in the stories to be honest - have a look at if you'd
like to see what I mean. For that I need people who were close to
Acorn at the time.
I have some personal recommendations but I wasn't all that close to
Acorn at the time - and most of them are probably libellous anyway :)
Andy Armstrong,