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Date   : Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:30:23 +0000
From   : Paul J <peterbilt@...>
Subject: Wireless Keyboard

Have been thinking about electronics projects and have an idea for a
wireless keyboard for the beeb. My idea is to get a spare bbc keyboard and
spare pc keyboard with ps/2 connector. Remove all the keyswitches from the
pc keyboard, and wire the switch connections to the keyswitch connectors
underneath the bbc keyboard pcb. Then mount the bbc keyboard on top of the
pc keyboard pcb.

Can use sprow pc keyboard connector project to wire the ps/2 connector on
the reciever to the beeb. This end should be straight-forward, but may be a
pain to wire the bbc and pc keyboards together; maybe there is an easier wa
to do this without having to wire up all the keyswitches, any ideas out

Could then wire up the beeb to the tv with the scart, route the audio
through as well. Place the beeb behind the tv out of the way. Would be a
great setup with a gommc card. Would be inetersted to hear if anyone has
done anything similar, or any ideas.


<div>Have been thinking about electronics projects and have an idea for a w
ireless keyboard for the beeb. My idea is to get a spare bbc keyboard and a
 spare pc keyboard with ps/2 connector. Remove all the keyswitches from the
 pc keyboard, and wire the switch connections to the keyswitch connectors u
nderneath the bbc keyboard pcb.&nbsp;Then mount the bbc keyboard on top of
the pc keyboard pcb.
<div>Can use sprow pc keyboard connector project to wire the ps/2 connector
 on the reciever to the beeb. This end should be straight-forward, but may
be a pain to wire the bbc and pc keyboards together; maybe there is an easi
er way to do this without having to wire up all the keyswitches, any ideas
out there?
<div>Could then wire up the beeb to the tv with the scart, route the audio
through as well. Place the beeb behind the tv out of the way. Would be a gr
eat setup with a gommc card. Would be inetersted to hear if anyone has done
 anything similar, or any ideas.

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