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Date   : Wed, 23 Nov 2005 19:21:36 +0000
From   : list-a_cloud9.bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: Cambridge ring interface

In article <43849427.1020406@...> you wrote:
> Theo Markettos wrote:
> Well it's good to know there's some still about anyway. If we're at a point 
> where we *could* display them (running or not) one day then maybe I can talk 
> someone into a loan...

I don't know where all this archived stuff lives - I think it belongs to the
Systems Research Group which is at the other end of the building from me, or
in a store somewhere.  At the very least the CAP Computer should have a Ring
interface - it's a large wardrobed sized machine in the Lab foyer.
A few Ring photos here:

Aha, our artifacts database is here:
(search for 'a' or 'e' to show everything)
Several Ring things listed.

It's sad that David Wheeler, who designed much of the original Ring stuff
(and invented the subroutine), died this time last year.

>> The fast ring is described here:
>> http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=52013
>> (needs IEEE subscription for full text)
> Yeah, I found that too. Grrr. You'd think such a body would be interested in 
> making that sort of stuff freely available, not charging for it.

It's an IEEE Transactions on Computers paper, which means it's under the
jurisdiction of the IEEE who charge a fortune.  The University doesn't even
have a full electronic IEEE journals subscription let alone conferences...
which would cost 80,000ukp a year :-(

If it's of interest I can dig out and scan a paper copy from the library for
you next time I'm in the lab.


Theo Markettos                 theo@...             
Clare Hall, Cambridge          atm26@...      
CB3 9AL, UK                    http://www.markettos.org.uk/

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