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Date   : Sun, 20 Nov 2005 14:29:11 +1300
From   : Richard Hobbis <rhobbis@...>
Subject: Re: Making the most of the Micro

(still trying to get onto uknova ...)

Neil Ward wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Well, what can I say - a lucky escape !!!
> But the bad news is that I have no video.  Does anyone out there have 
> a recording of the series who would be willing to let me borrow or buy 
> (for the price of the recording medium and P+P) a copy please ?
> Thanks and regards
> Neil Ward.
> neilw01@... wrote:
>> Interestingly enough, ebay emailed me with the following info this 
>> afternoon
>> ...
>> Dear Neil A Ward (neilw01@...),
>> Please be aware that the following listing:
>> Item Number - 6452532028
>> Item Title - Making the Most of the Micro BBC DVD retro computer
>> has been removed by eBay for breaching of one or more of our 
>> policies. Any
>> offers or bids placed on this listing are now null and void. We 
>> advise you
>> not to finalize this transaction with the seller. As stated in the 
>> eBay User
>> Agreement, neither seller nor buyer should engage in transactions 
>> that breach
>> the law or eBay policy.
>> Please review eBay's Prohibited and Restricted Items guidelines and Us
>> Agreement at the following locations:
>>  http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/sell/item_allowed.html
>>  http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/user-agreement.html
>> We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
>> Regards,
>> eBay Trust & Safety
>>> -- Original Message --
>>> Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 15:11:37 +0000
>>> To: neilw01@...
>>> From: Phil McIntyre <philmac@...>
>>> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Making the most of the Micro
>>> Hi,
>>> You can report him to ebay for piracy. You can report him to FACT 
>>> (http://www.fact-uk.org.uk/). Trading standards might well be 
>>> interested
>>> if it's a business.
>>> I would email him and say you no longer wish to buy it on the 
>>> grounds that
>>> it is a copy and take it from there.
>>> Most sellers will just cancel and forget about it. Then you can 
>>> report him
>>> anyway......
>>> I've just checked on ebay and got the following:
>>> This listing (6452532028) has been removed by eBay or is no longer 
>>> available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number 
>>> correctly.
>>> If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction 
>>> cancelled. If anybody contacts you to complete the sale, please 
>>> ignore the
>>> request. Completing the sale outside of eBay may be unsafe and will n
>> be
>>> covered by eBay purchase protection programs.
>>> So, you're OK. It's should be cancelled.
>>> HTH,
>>> Phil
>>> At 13:48 18/11/2005, you wrote:
>>>> Thinking about it, if this is a true piracy situation, am I obliged
>>>> continue
>>>> the purchase ?  What would be the best course of action here - I don
>> want
>>>> my name associated with purchasing pirate copies of copyright 
>>>> material.
>>>> I don't feel so happy now !
>>>> Neil.
>>>>> -- Original Message --
>>>>> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 17:22:53 +0000
>>>>> From: James Fidell <james@...>
>>>>> To: Darren Grant <darren.grant@...>
>>>>> Cc: Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Making the most of the Micro
>>>>> Quoting Darren Grant (darren.grant@...):
>>>>>> A clear violation of copyright for commercial gain.
>>>>>> This guy is making a profit on copying a video to DVD, if he was 
>>>>>> doing
>>>>> for
>>>>>> the cost of the DVD that might at least be considered a way of 
>>>> distributing
>>>>>> information that the BBC has no interest in putting on DVD. But th
>>> is
>>>>> just
>>>>>> plain cheek
>>>>>> Please don't encourage piracy, I hope someone buys one and runs of
>>> copies
>>>>>> selling at £2 a pop to cover the DVD cost so he knows what it is
>>>>>> like
>>>> to
>>>>>> have someone copy your work.
>>>>> And if you really want it, it's available for download for free on
>>>>> uknova.
>>>>> James
>>>> ___________________________________________________________
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>>> under
>>> analysis some of them won't stand up either."
>>> Phil McIntyre
>>> Computer Support
>>> School of Biological Sciences
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