Date : Sat, 19 Nov 2005 00:44:57 +0000
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Schematics
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> I have the following paper schematics:
sorry for reply-to-all, but the list's supposed to be going down round about
now... :)
> Torch Computers Keyboard (Cherry 7120-0100) 15-11-1984
> Torch Synchronous Communications Adaptor (TOSCA) 20-12-1982
> Torch Communicator Z80 Card 05-05-1982
I don't have those.
> Econet ATOM Card, 27-01-1981
> Music 2000 MIDI Interface
Or those. Less bothered about the latter, but the former would be nice
> I can prioritise scanning what other people don't have.
Maybe I should prioritise making a list of what I have :) I pretty much fell
out of the habit of updating it about a year ago, but prior to that I did have
a coherent list of all the docs that were squirreled away around here...
I've picked up an awful lot of docs since then, although it's mostly ARM-era