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Date   : Thu, 17 Nov 2005 20:38:05 +0000
From   : Annihilannic <annihilannic@...>
Subject: Re: RF Modulator Interference

Mark Usher wrote:
>>>Not really a nightmare. It is usually outsourced to an electronics 
>>>components breakers. Amazing places, removing all the component 
>>>chemicals and metals from circuit boards, capacitors, wire etc etc. 
>>>Making a fortune they are too.
>>... in at least some cases exploiting underprivileged communities and 
>>poisoning waterways with the resulting heavy metal waste.  :-(
> Er, hardly. They are heavily regulated by the government and EEC. Yes, mayve
> in countries outside europe, but there are plenty of these recyclers inside

Yes, that's what I was referring to.

> the european limits. The materials that are won back from the recycling are
> then put back into manufacturing. You are thinking of fly tipping poisioning
> waterways and damaging the environment. Now that is something that should be

No, that's not what I was thinking of...

> stopped. Don't knock the recyclers, many are doing a very good job.

Absolutely, I'm glad to hear it.  :-)


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