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Date   : Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:42:58 -0000
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: Re: RF Modulator Interference

>>>even if they were still going the nightmare of having to deal with a 
>>>20 year old design!
>> Not really a nightmare. It is usually outsourced to an electronics 
>> components breakers. Amazing places, removing all the component 
>> chemicals and metals from circuit boards, capacitors, wire etc etc. 
>> Making a fortune they are too.
>... in at least some cases exploiting underprivileged communities and 
>poisoning waterways with the resulting heavy metal waste.  :-(

Er, hardly. They are heavily regulated by the government and EEC. Yes, mayve
in countries outside europe, but there are plenty of these recyclers inside
the european limits. The materials that are won back from the recycling are
then put back into manufacturing. You are thinking of fly tipping poisioning
waterways and damaging the environment. Now that is something that should be
stopped. Don't knock the recyclers, many are doing a very good job.


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