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Date   : Sat, 12 Nov 2005 11:24:59 -0000
From   : "Gary Partis" <gary@...>
Subject: Re: Transferring hundreds of floppies to a PC

I am working away from home on a contract at the moment so I cant play any
more trying to transfer old floppies... :-(

I have many PCs of various specs, but non want to read my old floppies.
Also, my Master has died (does work for more then 20 seconds at a time)....

If anyone has either a BBC micro with a 1770 FDC and ADFS; or a Master for
sale; for a reasonable price; just let me know coz I want one!

Most of the floppies I want to transfer are personal documents etc; but many
are source code and executable for products from the 1980s which I want to
put in the public domain (well, at least the executables). These include a
number of unreased/finish games such as 'and all because' (Superior) and
'Star Wars'.

As an aside, I must thank the guys who wrote the BeebEm Win32 app. It is
fantastic! It even has 65c02 copro support (most my titles were developed
using the copro!) ;-)

So anyway - anyone got some kit to sell?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] 
> On Behalf Of Gary Partis
> Sent: 25 October 2005 16:29
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Transferring hundreds of floppies to a PC
> I have a large collection of floppies (source code, documents 
> etc) from my
> old BBC days I wish to transfer to a PC.
> What is the best format for making these images available? BeebEm disc
> images?
> -- 
> Gary Partis
> Private Account

Gary Partis
Private Account

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