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Date   : Sun, 30 Oct 2005 12:39:27 +0000
From   : Paul J <peterbilt@...>
Subject: Re: 3.5 drive with 8271 drive

Thanks for the replies, sounds like that will fix it for 8271, will try tha
once I can get hold of an eprom programmer.
 Tried the same drive on a B+ 64k with Acorn 1770 DFS 2.26 and 1770
controller. Thought it would be ok as the master worked, but could not even
read the catalog. The disk powers up, and just spins. I tried the *fx255
commands on sprows site, with no joy. I read through the Drive and DFS
guide, and could not find any ideas for this problem.
 I thought this DFS would be ok with 3.5 drives, is there anything else I
need to sort out to get to work on this B+ ?
 On 30 Oct 2005 00:24:44 +0100, Jonathan Graham Harston <
jgh@...> wrote:
> Paul J <peterbilt@...> wrote:
> > Then tried the same drive on a B with 8271 controller, and does not
> work.
> > My disks are formatted 400k DFS DS/DD, they are double density media,
> not
> > high density. I can read the catalog, and load two line basic programs,
> > but anything else results in disk fault messages.
> Disk error 10? You can read anything on track zero, but not
> anything longer?
> > I tried the *fx commands on sprows website with no success. Just
> > wondering if I need a different version of DFS/ADFS fitted. Would like
> to
> > hear from anyone who has been able to use 3.5 drives on a BBC with 8271
> > controller.
> DFS 1.20 times out too quickly when using 3.5" disk drives. You
> need DFS 1.21, see http://mdfs.net/Apps/Filing and look for CustDNFS.
> --
> J.G.Harston - jgh@... - mdfs.net/User/JGH<http://mdfs.net/
> There are three food groups: brown, green and ice cream.

<div>Thanks for the replies, sounds like that will fix it for 8271, will tr
y that once I can get hold of an eprom programmer. </div>
<div>Tried the same drive on a B+ 64k with Acorn 1770 DFS 2.26 and 1770 con
troller. Thought it would be ok as the master worked, but could not even re
ad the catalog. The disk powers up,&nbsp;and just spins. I tried the *fx255
 commands on sprows site, with no joy. I read through the Drive and DFS gui
de, and could not find any ideas for this problem.
<div>I thought this DFS would be ok with 3.5 drives, is there anything else
 I need to sort out to get to work on this B+ ?</div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 30 Oct 2005 00:24:44 +0100, <b class=
"gmail_sendername">Jonathan Graham Harston</b> &lt;<a onclick="return top
.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="mailto:jgh@..."
jgh@...</a>&gt; wrote:</span> 
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Paul J &lt;<a onclick="return
top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="mailto:peterbilt@..."
peterbilt@...</a>&gt; wrote:<br>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then tried the same d
rive on a B with 8271 controller, and does not work. <br>&gt; My disks are
formatted 400k DFS DS/DD, they are double density media, not<br>&gt; high d
ensity. I can read the catalog, and load two line basic programs,
<br>&gt; but anything else results in disk fault messages.<br><br>Disk erro
r 10? You can read anything on track zero, but not<br>anything longer?<br><
br>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;I tried the *fx commands on sprows website with no succe
ss. Just
<br>&gt; wondering if I need a different version of DFS/ADFS fitted. Would
like to <br>&gt; hear from anyone who has been able to use 3.5 drives on a
BBC with 8271<br>&gt; controller.<br><br>DFS 1.20 times out too quickly whe
n using 
3.5&quot; disk drives. You<br>need DFS 1.21, see <a onclick="return top.j
s.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://mdfs.net/Apps/Filing" targ
et="_blank">http://mdfs.net/Apps/Filing</a> and look for CustDNFS.<br><br
<br>J.G.Harston - <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this
)" href="mailto:jgh@..." target="_blank">jgh@arcade.demo
n.co.uk</a> - <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" h
ref="http://mdfs.net/User/JGH" target="_blank">
mdfs.net/User/JGH</a><br>There are three food groups: brown, green and ice
cream. <br><br></blockquote></div><br>

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