Date : Sun, 30 Oct 2005 00:24:43 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Dual Floppies On A Master
> Message-ID: <10510211143.ZM23630@...>
Pete Turnbull <pete@...> wrote:
> I disagree, it's a perfectly ordinary bus, in the sense used by
> electronics engineers. It's a set of signal/control lines to which you
Yes. A bus is a spine of some sort with devices connected to it at
points along it. Like domestic telephone extensions[1], or
conventional lighting circuits, or radiator plumbing:
| | | | |
device device device device device
[1] Often these are disguised as a 'star' arrangement - all
deviced plugged in to a single point - but it is still a bus:
/ /|\ \
-----------/ / | \ ----------
/ /-----/ | \----\ \
device device device device device
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation