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Date   : Fri, 28 Oct 2005 16:56:14 +0100
From   : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: View -v- ViewSheet

David Hunt wrote:

>>Thanks David/Richard & Andrew :-)
>>I have 3 ROM sockets, 1 has 'Wordwise-Plus', 1 has 'Acorn Soft View' and
>>awaits my GoMMC. If Acornsoft View is a spreadsheet like VIEW 04 then
>>I'll remove it to make way for Doomsday.
>>The window on the Wordwise eprom is uncovered, is it sensible to put
>>some insulation tape over it?
>>Jeff Gaines
>>Damerham Hampshire UK
>I cannot see why there would be a VIEW chip in there ? There is always
>sideways RAM for Wordwise... I think the GoMMC disables one of the sockets,
>I can't remember off hand. I'm sure someone on here will know if I'm talking
>out of my posterial canal.
The presence of an additional VIEW chip is not in fact that uncommon. 
Later revisions of VIEW than that built into the Master were made 
available to fix various bugs/add new features, and as such these had to 
be fitted as additional ROMs, typically in socket 8 (the spare).

Note that VIEW is a Word Processor, not a spread sheet as commented by Jeff.

Regarding disabling sockets: Yes and no. There are 3 sockets on a 
Master's board, when link'd correctly, they are 4, 6, and 8 (back to 
front of board). 8 is always accessible, 4 and 6 need to be enabled by 
setting links. Enabling either of 4 and 6 disables the associated RAM 
bank AND the next RAM bank up, e.g. if you want to use socket 4, you 
have to disable RAM banks 4 and 5.

The EPROM/Label thing: Old EPROMs (around wordwise's time certainly) 
tended to die if you took the label off in bright light, being 
particularly UV sensitive. Usually the dark insides of your Micro kept 
this from happening. The later EPROMs were less sensitive and could be 
handled without a protective label. Bottom line is, I'd cover it up to 
keep it from erasing/corrupting.

-- Richard

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