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Date   : Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:23:17 +0100
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: Classic train game for the BBC Micro?

> Hi everyone.
> I'm trying to track down a very old issue of Acorn User magazine
> - from the mid-80's when the BBC Micro ruled the roost. I can't
> remember anything more about it that the game and article I'm
> looking for. Don't suppose this jogs anyone's memory does it? :

"The Train Game" was in Acorn User Jan 84, as pointed out by others, but
was "remixed" in a much later edition (early 90's) with a faster machine
code track layer and rewritten for clarity.  Unfortunately, I can't
remember which issue it was in - it was probably in the "Pieces of Eight"
section, where they revisited classic 8-bit type-ins from the past.  I just
remember the comment that the original code was so unintelligable with
GOTOs and meaningless variable names that a rewrite was in order.  The
rewrite was better in that you could watch the track being built up,
including all its failed attempts at track placement, nice and quickly.
Anyone else remember this?

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