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Date   : Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:26:45 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: FAQ (Was: Re: Collected notes on floppy drive butchery?)

A. J. Davis wrote:
> Jeff Gaines wrote:
>> Is there a way we can capture this information about floppy drives? I
>> know there are some sources but newer drives, like the Sony, don't
>> tend to be included. It would be good to know if there are any modern
>> drive that still have jumpers/switches, together with instructions on
>> changing them.
> Perhaps some FAQ is in order, pretty much like the one Sinclair 
> enthusiasts run on comp.sys.sinclair ?  This seems to work very well, 
> has a core list of maintainers (including myself) and is seen as the 
> definitive source for anything Sinclair related.

It'd definitely seem like a good idea to me - possibly incorporating 
Sprow's rather good BBC troubleshooting notes (Sprow willing! :)  and 
sent out to the mailing list once a month?

I'm sure there's lots that could go into such a beast, although it's 
difficult to know where the line is between useful information and 
simply things that can be found with a bit of googling. Given the low 
volume of the list, we don't really have FAQs - just things that get 
asked on a rare occasion but always generate a burst of traffic :)

Maybe we should collectively scrape some useful thoughts on topics 
together though?



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