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Date   : Fri, 21 Oct 2005 15:01:17 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Adding copro support to BeebEm

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>Message-ID: <4356C9CB.9060605@...>
> Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
>>Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>>I've not done much on it, the documentation is tortuous, and
>>>the opcode set even more so.
>>I take it you've found the proper CPU reference manual over on
>>bitsavers.org (or elsewhere) - think it's about a 30MB download.
> No, I've got a blue paperback manual "Series 32000 Databook" from
> National Semiconductor (1985). All 508 pages of it. I'll have to
> upload a piccy to add to the CoPro and manuals.

Ahh, I know those - we've got a set at Bletchley covering the various 
Natsemi chips.

Unfortunately I can't see the 32016 ref manual on bitsavers now - just 
the databook (which you have) at 70MB, plus various other odds and ends. 
No idea why it's no longer there; I'm sure it was there I got it from! I 
don't have it here on the laptop with me either, just on the PC back home :/

I do have a scan of the ACW 32000 assembler manual here - but it tells 
you to go get a copy of the natsemi 32000 instruction set manual from 
your local Acorn dealer, grrr! :-)

>>I'd heard that the instruction set was supposed to be rather elegant for
>>the 32016 - but admit to knowing nothing of it myself!
> Elegant? Maybe if you think Picasso is elegant.

well, yeah ;)  Maybe it's one of those cases where it takes ages to 
understand it all properly, then suddenly a light goes on and it all 
makes perfect sense? Or maybe not :)

Back in 4 weeks so can have a look for the refman then if needs be... 
I'll also find out who sent it to me and originally uploaded it to 
bitsavers so I can give them a prod and see where they got to with their 



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