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Date   : Wed, 19 Oct 2005 23:33:47 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Adding copro support to BeebEm

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>Message-ID: <435421E3.5060501@...>
> Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
>>I notice that BeebEm has switchable Torch Z80 and Acorn 65C02 copro
> Any chance of it doing Acorn Z80 CoPro? I have 'C' and ARM source
> code that can be used if needed.

I think the BeebEm author (one of them at least) is on this list so 
maybe they can comment. Hopefully the interface is all warm and fuzzy 
and well-defined, so dropping a new copro module in is easy, but knowing 
how software projects go that may well not be the case :-)

>>Incidentally, *somebody* was writing a 32016 CPU emulator a while back
>>too (I can't remember the context now) - unfortunately I don't have the
> Me!

Funnily enough, the more I think about it the more I think it was 
someone over on a local Cambridge usenet group, so probably not you - so 
there's two of you out there!

> I've not done much on it, the documentation is tortuous, and
> the opcode set even more so.

I take it you've found the proper CPU reference manual over on 
bitsavers.org (or elsewhere) - think it's about a 30MB download.

I'd heard that the instruction set was supposed to be rather elegant for 
the 32016 - but admit to knowing nothing of it myself!

> I've just now got the filetypes
> allocated. I've done quite a bit of work on my PDP-11 CoProcessor
> emulator, though. It boots up and will do I/O. See
> http://mdfs.net/Apps/Emulators/Tube

That's rather cool! :)



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