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Date   : Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:07:06 +0100
From   : Matthew Fullerton <mf131@...>
Subject: Re: BBC TCP/IP

Jon Ripley wrote:

> Matthew Fullerton wrote:
>> From: "Jon Ripley" <jon@...>
>> Are there any restrictions on what addresses I can use? You can't 
>> specify a
>> netmask on the BBC, so I'm wondering if it wants an (AUN style?) class A
>> address.
>> Perhaps I should move this back to the Acorn newsgroups? Tell me if I'm
>> getting to far away from BBC micros :)
> Your query is less than three hours old, I would suggest giving a few 
> days until some of the members who are more experienced with BBC 
> networking issues have a chance to respond.

Sorry - it wasn't meant as a complaint about a lack of responses. 
Apologies if it came across as such.

> There is no reason why you couldn't simultaneously enquire on 
> news:comp.sys.acorn.networking but AFAIK the Beeb experience there may 
> be a bit thin these days.

Yes. I received a lot of help there on getting the A3000 and R260 doing 
their necessary tasks for this, but less on the BBC end. Although it was 
from there that I was directed to the compiled ROM version, without 
which I'd be a bit stuck.

> Just for their information; are you using a TCP/IP stack on the BBC 
> (which one) or are you using pure ECONET?
Both. In fact I load the ROM image over econet file sharing (Level 4FS 
on the R260) in order to get it started (if someone would like to tell 
me how to copy a file from econet to disc, I'm all ears). The stack is 
Phil Blundell's, designed to work over the econet port and (as I 
understand it) talk to any econet port using a DCI 2 driver.


> Have fun getting all this working,
> Jon Ripley

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