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Date   : Wed, 19 Oct 2005 08:24:11 +0100
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: Re: Going soon!

I'd go for the rack option with the added ventilation bonus. You could
always make a big humongous BBC case out of carbon fibre!!! Might look a bit
Alice in Wonderland, but pretty cool all the same.


-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Jules Richardson
Sent: 19 October 2005 01:44
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Going soon!

Ant wrote:
> Hello all,
>  These will go soon - anyone want them for the postage? Some of it is 
> branded as local school property but that's long gone by; cases not in 
> good condition. I live near Shrewsbury, lift is available to Cambridge 
> or Stafford if that helps.
>      32k B, OS 1.2 it says, DFS, WW, Interword, Watford DD and Econet.
>      32k B, OS3.46, Opus DDOS - display not happy when I plugged it 
> in, no idea why.
>      Master, Acorn MOS, Pace DD, - probably ok but I don't know.
>      Microvitec Cub 452 monitor.

Worth saying that I can rescue the rest (other than the Master that Dave 
wants) and keep them at the museum if they can all come to Cambridge too 
(and are freebies :) I'd rather save them from the tip (but if anyone 
else wants to grab them before then, no worries)

Caveat being that I'm not back in the UK for another four weeks, so I 
couldn't grab them from Cambridge until then! (so it also depends on how 
soon 'soon' is!)

Still, just a thought anyway.

I still need 16 BBC B boards for the ol' image wall project anyway, so 
fixable machines with knackered cases (and/or duff PSUs) are actually a 
bonus as the boards will likely all get stuffed into a rack... (although 
a tower of 16 cased BBCs might look rather cool)



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