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Date   : Mon, 17 Oct 2005 23:21:58 +0100
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Computer Museum gets cash from Gates

I remember a while back, we were discussing getting some cash to pay for
hosting etc. for our loads of retro stuff.

Check out this link <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4350972.stm>

The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" has given £8.5 million to the
"Computer History Museum" in Los Angeles, USA.

Perhaps we should e-mail Bill and ask for some cash.

I visited this Museum in 2003 after attending Micro$oft's PDC 2003 -
was Longhorn that long ago... ooops Vista, um Bill where is it?

There was hardly any Acorn stuff there. They had the guts of an Atom and
guts of a BBC B (a US one with the extra shielding and maxed out
motherboard) - they had an old time fav. of mine, the Sinclair ZX80, the
ohmigod, can't compute and display at same time. Lots of mini-computers,
Cray I and a very old IBM 390 (I think)

There was total saturation of IBM and Apple, but not hardly any Compaq,
had a nasty looking Deskpro 286 and no other Compaq desktops. Anyhows, I
found the whole experience rather clinical, perhaps painful. Hardly
worked and you weren't allowed to "play" with the interesting stuff. I
sure the Brits can do a better job, despite the lack of £80 million...

Dave ;)

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