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Date   : Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:46:56 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Reply To Address For List

Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> In article <4353D3F3.8080807@...>, Wookie
> <wooky@...> writes
>>Why should they ? It's trivial to setup your email prog to reply to the 
> And a proper email client will offer you the option to reply to the list
> or by sending a private mail.  Like this one.

Hmm, I admit to not knowing where that is in Thunderbird. 'reply' goes 
to the individual, whilst 'reply to all' goes to list and individual, 
but with the individual in the to: field and the list in the cc: field.

Plus I'm pretty sure Evolution back home won't do it (and I'd rather not 
be relying on fudging headers or whatever two different ways in two 
different email clients anyway :)

As for setting up another rival list - yuck. Most of the regulars would 
probably migrate to wherever was easiest to use, but not all, so it just 
ends up spreading resources even more thinly.

If I'm remembering right, the last time this discussion cropped up 
though people were either indifferent to handling replies either way, or 
they wanted things changed to be like other lists. I believe the one 
person who expressed being happy over the way things were changed their 
mind :) If the numbers of people who wanted it to stay as-is equalled 
those who wanted it changed, then it would seem sensible to just leave 
as-is as you can't please everyone...



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