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Date   : Sun, 16 Oct 2005 15:46:46 +0100
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Internal Coprocessor

The Master Turbo is the best 2nd Processor.

It gives the 32016 2nd Processor a run for its money, only about 10% slower.

But best of all it's 33% faster than the old 6502 Second Processor on the
BBC (4HMz vs. 3MHz), if you like Elite, get Tube Enhanced Elite, it is one
of my all time favourite games. It was the 2nd excuse to spend three months
blasting to get an -E-L-I-T-E- rating.

My TV/Monitor I use for the Master has inexplicably stopped working with the
Beeb or Master, however, it does work with my Xbox/PS2/Megadrive. Mind you
the last thing I did with it was to connect my A540 to it.

The main TV downstairs displays the A540 as a white screen, but the Philips
8833 monitor it displays as it should. Perhaps the sync is too high for the
TV and I've damaged something ?

Looks as if I'll be using the Beeb on 12" rather than 25", damn shame.

P.S. off topic, I know, but my Compaq Portable 386 has died. So I'm left
looking for a replacement. I've got the motherboard, RAM, floppy, HDD and
keyboard. The PSU was totalled.

Dave ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Ian Wolstenholme
Sent: 16 October 2005 13:24
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] RE: Internal Coprocessor

If you look on the Hardware page of the BBC Docs site, you will
find a link to the Master 65C102 co-processor guide as well as
the BBC B 6502 "cheese wedge" version. The Master guide is
rather brief, only a few pages and to all intents and purposes the 
6502 external processor is the same as the internal Master version.

Basically what happens when you are running the Tube is that all the
language processing (ie. BASIC or whatever other language you may
be running) is done inside the second processor.  The language ROM
is copied into the second processor RAM and that processor is 
dedicated to running the language, leaving the BBC processor to
deal with the keyboard, discs, VDU etc. hence the speed increase.

The second processor has 64K of RAM, of which 16K is taken up by
the language ROM leaving up to 48K of user RAM.  With the Tube
running you will find that PAGE reduces to 2048 and HIMEM goes
up to 32768 in all modes, or 47104 if you run Hi-BASIC.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Craven
To:  Ian Wolstenholme <BBCMailingList@...>
Sent: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 19:20:59 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] RE: Internal Coprocessor

Hi Ian

I cannot find much info on how to actually use the
tube once you get it going. Have looked at 8bs,
documentation project and BBC Lives. Do you know of
other sources???


--- Ian Wolstenholme <BBCMailingList@...>

> Yes, it's a 65C102 co-processor.  If you type *CO.
> TUBE and
> *CO. INTUBE you should get it working.
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Craven
> To:  bbc-micro@...
> Sent: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 19:16:41 +1000 (EST)
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] RE: Internal Coprocessor
> Hi all
> Just found out have PCB in my Master that has
> 'Co-processor' printed on it.
> One large IC is labelled 
> R65C102P4
> 11451-25
> 8610
> and the other
> ULA9C018E-7
> 8420
> Another smaller IC is labelled
> O5SC102
> Can someone please advise what type of Internal
> Co-Processor this is, and if there is available
> Manuals/ info on how to use it.
> Thanks kindly
> Pete
> Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)
> 12 Treacher St
> Mt Gravatt
> QLD 4122
> Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
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Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)

12 Treacher St

Mt Gravatt

QLD 4122

Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820

Do you Yahoo!? 
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