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Date   : Sat, 15 Oct 2005 22:16:16 +0100
From   : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Opus 2791 board / EDOS 0.4

On the subject of disc interface curiosities, somewhere I have the
Kemda DMFS which is a heavy black block which plugs into the IC78
socket.  I think it also contains a 2791 controller and I have a funny
feeling that it is also to be found inside the FileStore.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Cook
To:  bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 13:51:37 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Opus 2791 board / EDOS 0.4

Hello all,

I'm hoping someone is able to shed light on the WD2791 floppy disc
controller board produced by Opus.  This is the older type with a 40
pin IC (WD2791PL-02) plus a 40 pin header for fitting in IC78 on the
BBC B.  Pictures and info:


- Does anyone remember installing this type of board, or the DFS that
  went with it?

I'm not convinced that my "Opus EDOS 0.4" is original.  AFAICT, the
simpler WD1770 board and the accompanying DDOS 3.45, were also produced
in 1984.  The DFS ROMs have radically different builds.

- Was EDOS brand new when written, a workalike or descended from DDOS
  or Challenger?
- Were DDOS or Challenger brand new, workalikes or descended from EDOS
  or one another?
- How come EDOS is virtually bug free at version 0.4?
- Is EDOS an official Opus release?

If any reader knows in detail the history of the Opus disc interfaces
and where EDOS fits in, I would appreciate any information received.

Many thanks,

Greg Cook

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