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Date   : Fri, 14 Oct 2005 19:29:11 +0100
From   : Jeff Gaines <jeff@...>
Subject: Re[2]: My New Baby Has Arrived!

Hello Group,

On Friday, October 14, 2005, 6:34:15 PM, Mike wrote:

> In article <89116024.20051014151505@...>, Jeff Gaines
> <jeff@...> writes

>>  It has a 5.25" floppy which is 40 track SS 100K, I can't format my
>>  eBay floppy disks though, they are Verbatim 2HD 'Formatted IBM'. I
>>  guess the wrong type.

> Yes, they're HD (high density) discs.  You need DD (double density)
> disks.  When you have some, compare them with the HD discs.  You'll see
> the HDs are a different, darker, colour due to their different magnetic
> coercivity, and they may be missing the hub ring.

I've made a bit of progress :-)

I took the 3.5" floppy out of my PC, took the power cable off the
5.25" drive, found an old floppy cable in my bits box and I have
formatted a 3.5" disk with 80 tracks on the Beeb! It is treated as
disk 1 because I used the middle connector, I need to untwist the end
connector, or have another scratch in the box. I can save things to it
and read from it with the Beeb.

Problem now is I can't get Omniflop to write to the disk, I am
scratching around to try and get another PC with a floppy to boot but
it's died on me :-(

I guess once you start playing with things like this there isn't much
time for anything else!

Jeff Gaines
Damerham Hampshire UK

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