Date : Thu, 13 Oct 2005 11:11:50 +0100
From : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Magazine Scans
When I mentioned the quality of the early issues of Sinclair User, I was
actually referring to the physical quality of the magazine that was scanned
rather than the resolution of the scan.
I scan at 1Mb ish because I know that sooner or later 39 Gigabytes of space
is going to fit in the palm of my hand and I don't want to have to scan the
whole lot all over again.
There are loads of batch converters out there if you wanted to resample
images to a more hostable size, e.g. 100kB.
At least you would reserve the luxury of resampling the pages again when
next year's big hosting deal comes along.
Perhaps for a small fee (covering the price of the required DVD/Rs &
postage) these magazines could be distributed to anyone who wants them.
(Copyright issues ?)
Dave ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Jonathan Graham Harston
Sent: 12 October 2005 23:03
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Re: Magazine Scans
> Message-ID: <>
"David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...> wrote:
> Shame about the quality of some of the early issues of Sinclair
> User et al.
> I have the whole Micro User collection and have scanned the first
> four magazines, each page is around 1M byte, but they look nice!
Well, at 1M per page, and about 200 pages per issue, about 13
issues per year and about 15 years, that's 1*200*13*15 = 39000M
of storage space needed.
Well, I'd be willing to obtain and provide storage space for
archives of magazines on the condition that raw scans had been
converted into something more digestible.
I'm in the process of gradually [very slowly...] archiving up all
the magazine disks.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
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