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Date   : Mon, 26 Sep 2005 12:38:26 +0100 (BST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: KiwiNET

Hello folks,

Please take the time to visit the link on my signature and see the
products/service that I have to offer.  I do Web and software for all
platforms including Acorn/BBC.  I am fairly competent in Windows also
and can quiet confidently attempt to design software for either one of
both platforms.  If anyone has a project Web, hardware or software that
he or she wishes to delegate, than I am the man.  I am studying Linux,
ASP and polishing up on JavaScript at the moment.  Doing projects are
another way that I gain skills  - as I come across an aspect of skill
that I am unfamiliar with, I have access to resources like this mailing
list and forums to solve problems.  As I find solution, I implement,
and I'm better skilled for later on.  Result is the same, job gets done
hopefully to customer's satisfaction.

My services are not as expensive as you might think they will be. 
There's no charge for technical support of anything already done for
you from me; my rates are COMPETITIVE AND NEGOTIABLE and are also for
any add-ons or support of anything not already done from me, and Web
site administration.  Project analysis and estimates are also FREE.

I am entering the BBC programming competition in order to demonstrate
my skills in this.  Anyone who wants to see the demo may also enter the
competition or at least be part of that mailing list.

Look forward to your interest.


KiwiNET  - A people-orientated I.T. solutions business.  Soon to migrate
server with new name...
Web: http://uk.geocities.com/haroonnet2002/
E-mail: haroonnet2002@...
Don't forget to look at VistaPrint offers: http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/frfuk?frf=681779052155

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