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Date   : Sun, 25 Sep 2005 21:05:00 +0100
From   : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Master ET

I've just got hold of a Master ET with a couple of interesting features
and wondered if anybody had come across them before:

Firstly, it has Tube, 1 MHz Bus and Printer Port sockets underneath.  They
are blue connectors, ie. not the usual Acorn black or grey ones.  I wondered
if this was a user upgrade or whether there was a "Fileserver" version of
the ET?  It will work with a 6502 cheese wedge and a hard disc attached. There
is no disc interface fitted but this is not required to run hard drives.

Many of the chips are socketed, including the teletext chip, CPU and user
this usual in Masters?  And would the ET normally have had a User VIA chip?

In the *ROMS listing, the contents of the system ROM (MOS, BASIC, ANFS) are
repeated twice in the listing.  Is this normal?

This machine has an ADFS 1.30 ROM installed so that hard discs can be used.
This increases PAGE as it is the old BBC B version but when I tried using ADFS
1.50 it didn't work.  Does anyone know why?

Best wishes,



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