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Date   : Sun, 25 Sep 2005 19:05:58 +0100
From   : Peter Bilt <peterbilt@...>
Subject: Floppy Drive Problem

I have a new Watford Electronics dual floppy drive used on a master for my
model b. Opened the drive case and the drive looked a1 inside, as new. As
soon as I fired it up it worked like a dream, after a couple of days proble
free use I am getting errors on both drives.
 Soon after the errors first appeared, I could hear high pitch squeel when
the disk is spinning. This would go after a minute or so, and the drive
would be ok for a while.
 Sometimes the drive can not read the catalogue with disk error 08. When it
would be able to read catalog, it could not read files with error 18 or 0E.
The head would seek to first track read, then error; sometimes it would rea
a couple of tracks with a delay between each track before error.
 Seems like an age related problem for both drives to go at roughly the sam
time. The drives don't squeel now when spinning, but I still get the 08, 18
and 0E disk errors.
 Have opened the drive, and motor is physically spinning the disk; there
does not seem to be any problems with the heads moving across the disk. I a
using 40 track disks in an 80/40 switchable drive.
 Just looking for suggestions / ideas.

<div>I have&nbsp;a new Watford Electronics dual floppy drive used on a mast
er for my model b. Opened the drive case and the drive looked a1 inside, as
 new. As soon as I fired it up it worked like a dream, after a couple of da
ys problem free use I am getting errors on both drives.
<div>Soon after the errors first appeared, I could hear high pitch squeel w
hen the disk is spinning. This would go after&nbsp;a minute or so, and the
drive would be ok for a while.</div>
<div>Sometimes the drive can not read the catalogue with disk error 08. Whe
n it would be able to read catalog, it could not read files with error 18 o
r 0E. The head would seek to first track read, then error; sometimes it wou
ld read a couple of tracks with a delay between each track before error.
<div>Seems like an age related problem for both drives to go at roughly the
 same time. The drives don't squeel now when spinning, but I still get the
08, 18 and 0E disk errors.</div>
<div>Have opened the drive, and motor is physically spinning the disk; ther
e does not seem to be any problems with the heads moving across the disk. I
 am using 40 track disks in an 80/40 switchable drive.</div>
<div>Just looking for suggestions / ideas. </div>

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