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Date   : Wed, 14 Sep 2005 08:49:14 +0100
From   : neilw01@...
Subject: Re: Acorns and Cubs

Thank you all for your replies re my question.

Re the colour of the tube, I have one of the greyer coloured tubes, there
the lower res monitor.

Thanks again :-)

Kind Regards

Neil Ward.
>-- Original Message --
>Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 22:34:45 +0100
>To: bbc-micro@...
>From: Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
>Reply-To: Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
>Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Acorns and Cubs
>In article <43245645.4020606@...>, Jules Richardson <julesrichar

>dsonuk@...> writes
>>I seem to remember there being different resolutions of Cubs though - 
>>but I *think* it only affects the display quality rather than the 
>>resolutions that they're capable of.
>You're correct. It's the dot pitch of the tube.
>Model 1431MS is the standard (0.64dp) version. This is the one that sold

>in its thousands. Model 1451MS (0.43dp IIRC) is the high-res version.
>There was a (rare) 1441 as well I think. Presumably 0.mumble dp.
>The M in the model number = metal case.  Can't recall what the S meant
>I have a feeling it means Standard, but standard what I don't know.
>(maybe standard scan = 15kHz)
>You can tell the difference between the standard and high-res tubes by
>looking at the phosphor colour of the tube with the monitor powered off.

>On the standard monitors it's quite a light grey, on the high-res ones
>it's a darker grey or greeny-grey.  With the two models side-by-side,
>the difference is immediately obvious.  The picture on the high-res
>models in modes 0 and 3 is much, much better (text is more readable.)
>The service manual can be found at:

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