Date : Wed, 24 Aug 2005 21:07:36 +0200
From : "W.Scholten" <whs@...>
Subject: School disposing of bbc micro equipment
I got an email from Cameron Holmes who wants to get rid of bbc micro equipment.
Who in the UK wants to pick this up? I'm not sure if Charles Blackurn still
needs a discdrive? Here's your chance to get a lot of stuff :)
I've CC'd to Mr. Holmes, contact him quickly please.
> BBC Micro monitors, micros, dot matrix printers and disc drives
> I have 4 bbc masters and a couple of model B's (I think! - how do I
> check the model of them?) and disc drives and dacta lego control boxes
> and logo programs but I need to move them fast! - within the next
> two weeks
Almost all BBC micro's are BBC model B's. Some checks: serial numbers
starting with ANA are model As, ANB are model Bs. Of course As can be upgraded
and usually are to at least 32K and a user VIA but often missing most of
the connectors like ADC/printer/user port etc.
Email or phone:
Mr C Holmes
Head of ICT and Science Royal Russell Preparatory School
Tel: 0208-686-5402
Email: cholmes AT
BBC computer/magazine scans: