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Date   : Sat, 20 Aug 2005 21:53:27 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Odd manuals and discs looking for a good home

Following a random clearout I have a number of original printed manuals to
either hardware devices (such as Grafpad) or software (such as Edword) that
I don't have.

Therefore I'm hoping that someone can find a use for them either to scan in
for posterity or to match up with hardware in your cupboard. Unclaimed items
will be randomly shredded.

All items are free! 

You can collect, or pay for the postage at 50p in stamps per item. If you're
abroad or want to take multiple items I'll weigh them so we can be more

*Viewstore and disc. Database. 122 pages
*The Snap Camera Manual (plus EV1 program listings book) 52 pages (two)
*Spellcheck II. Beebugsoft spell checker. 8 pages (two)
*Grafpad Operating Guide. From British Micro. 30 pages
*AMX Art (three)
*AMX Mouse
*AMX Paint Pot
*AMX Utilities
*Word Aid (utility ROM for Wordwise+), from Watford electronics. 29 pages
*Epson NLQ ROM (utility ROM for Epson printers), from Watford electronics. 8
pages (two)
*Disc System User guide for 3 inch drives, from Advanced Memory Systems. 77
*View Printer Driver for FX80/KAGA printers. From Watford Electronics, 40/80
track disc and instruction sheet in plastic wallet.
*Cumana Disk Drive Guide. Includes formatter disc for the BBC B. 47 pages
*Welcome booklet for the BBC micro. No cassette or disc available. 20 pages
*Solidisk Sideways RAM. User guide to the hardware upgrade. 16 pages
*Accelerator Quick Reference Card. Laminated reminder card to BBC BASIC
compiler. 5 pages folded into 1
*ATPL Sidewise User Manual. Instructions for the popular ROM board. 9 pages
*Aries B12. Sideways ROM expansion guide. 16 pages (three)
*Aries B20. 20k shadow RAM board guide. 12 pages
*Aries advertising flyer. Details the available Aries products. 2 pages A4
*32k RAM card for the BBC Micro. Watford electronics shadow RAM board
instructions. 27 pages (three)
*Termulator. Acornsoft user manual for the ROM of the same name. 50 pages
*Microvitec Cub. Instruction leaflet. 7 pages (three)
*Edword. Self instruction guide plus user reference. 220 pages total

Some discs:

*Spellcheck III. Just the dictionary disc
*Micro Musician
*ISO Pascal
*AMX Pagemaker and Pagemaker Fonts


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