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Date   : Sat, 20 Aug 2005 10:35:59 +0100 (BST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: Type-in Listings

If you want to just type them into an emulator then you can do this:

1. Paste the listing into Notepad, save it to a file.

2. Download either (A)DFS Explorer, open it and capture the Notepad
file into a BBC disk image.

3. Open BeebEm.

4. Open the disk image form there, make sure you can access Edit ROM.

5. *Edit <Notepad file> and you'll find slightly garbled listing in
ASCII mode.

6. Get rid of the garble, then 'f2' to save the file.

7. 'f3' to quit Edit.

8. *Cat to see the file.

9. *Exec <file> to transfer it into BASIC.

10. 'L.' to make sure it's all in...

11. 'RUN' to test.


--- M J Forbes <mjforbes@...> wrote:

> Wouter,
> I've taken a look at the PCW listings, and I've cropped them down,
> and my
> girlfriend is going to print them off on A3 tomorrow - they're just a
> little
> too small to read on-screen.
> I'd be happy to send some of the listings (I presume as an SSD file?)
> when
> I've finished - is there anything in particular you'd like?

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