Date : Tue, 16 Aug 2005 20:58:57 +0100
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Level 3 fileserver - status...
You shouldn't need ANFS in a specific ROM socket, I have it in a cartridge
on my Master and L3 works fine. As long as the ROM slot isn't unplugged
it should work.
To shut down, according to the L3 network manager's guide, all you need
to do is press Q and then type CTRL-BREAK (Hmmm - sounds rather
familiar in a Domesday context!!)
I would recommend after doing this that you go *ADFS and *BYE to settle
the disc properly.
I think you would have been able to get the network going just using
a clock box between the two Masters.
Somewhere on the ADFS partition of your hard disc you may have a
utility called "WFSInit" which is the programme for creating blank
file server discs. Run this using drive 4 to format a floppy and this
will give you a blank fileserver disc which will have a SYST user with
no password BUT BE CAREFUL not to put in drive 0 by mistake and
overwrite your hard drive Econet partition!!!!
Then run the L3 server again and log on from the other station as
*I AM SYST and then *FREE or *DISCS will tell you the name of the
hard disc partition which you can then move to using *SDISC.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:57:49 +0000
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Level 3 fileserver - status...
On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 14:27 +0100, Mark Usher wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 11:23 +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
> > Getting an Econet running *might* be hard; I seem to have any number
> > of Master Econet modules and wall boxes, plus four clock boxes, but a
> > questionable number of cables and only one terminator (SJ branded, but
> > I assume it's Econet)
> If you are running a master as an Econet user, you will need to use the
> SetStation utility to set the station number.
Hmm, presumably only if I need to change the station number from the
default assumed by the master? In this case, the fileserver Master
decided it wanted to be station 72, and the client Master decided it was
happy as station 67.
Good enough to get things running; I did a *FS 0.72 to set the
fileserver address on the client, and things seemed to be working (first
login attempt resulted in disk activity, presumably as the fileserver
loaded and cached the accounts file)
> Also don't forget to plug in an ANFS ROM.
I was lucky that I had some spares! :)