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Date   : Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:54:06 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Level 3 fileserver - status...

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 14:07 +0100, Mark Usher wrote:
> > Cache size- 2948 objects - 29
> > Starting-
> > FS internal error #09
> > at address 69FF
> Hi Jules,
> I had that recently aswell, and I seem to remember it was as I hadn't put in
> an NFS ROM (ANFS on a Master). That should fix it. You will obviously need a
> clock signal too so that another computer can access the file server.

Yep, I'm making progress...

You're right, it was the missing ANFS ROM. Well, not as such... but it
turns out that ANFS has to be in IC socket 27 and not any of the others
-  luckily Google sorted me out there (but only after I'd randomly tried
every other socket but that one!)

I bodged a Econet together out of some bits (and found some cables; knew
I had some somewhere!).  
(bodge-tastic photo at http://www.patooie.com/temp/econet_sm.jpg )

I've now managed to get the fileserver running, with another Master 128
on the network to act as a client. 

Problem now is that there appears to be no SYST account and I have no
clue as to what other user accounts may be on the disk. Rob, does your
util (mentioned yesterday) dump out the account / password data from a
file server partition, or can't it go into that level of detail?

Any other options for doing this before I try and take a raw image of
the drive on a modern system and look for data fragments which look like
user/password info?



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