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Date   : Mon, 15 Aug 2005 22:07:55 +0100
From   : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: Acorn Winchester question...

The FS code runs at &400 and is intended to be run across the Tube
otherwise you will get errors and noises as it overwrites the system

I don't think you can view the contents of the Econet partition on
the machine running the hard disc.  It appears to be locked off and
only accessible via Econet (unlike Level 4 where whoever has access
to the machine acting as the server can read anything any Econet
user has put on the server, as I mentioned in an earlier post!)

I tried using the DEX command of the Advanced Disc Toolkit ROM
recently to view the Econet partition on my Winchester Disc but I found
that after scrolling through the disc sectors to the last sector reported
by *FREE/*MAP and going to the next one, instead of entering the
Econet partition, it went back to track 0 sector 0!

I would be interested in a copy of the FS code; the one I am running
(which I think is generally available) reports itself as "Level 3 Version
0.92 Pre-release IV.05" so you must have a later version.

To read the contents of the Econet partition you will need to get an
Econet going but for the purposes of looking at what is on the Winchester
disc, you won't need anything fancy.  A clock and two Econet leads will
do it.  Just plug the two leads into the two sockets on the clock and plug
the other end of each lead into two Masters (or BBC Bs) with Econet.

You should be able to log onto the Winchester disc from the other machine
with "*I AM <station number of server> SYST" although you may need a
password but you can get round this with the method I mentioned in
my previous post.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To:  bbc-micro@...
Sent: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 19:53:51 +0000
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Acorn Winchester question...

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 17:52 +0100, Mark Usher wrote:
> Careful,
> If the disk contained a file server, that may be on a different partition
> that held the econet fs. Otherwise, that might be one hard drive worth data
> salvaging. 
> Mark


The following's present on the visible bit of the drive:


.. and a directory called 'FORMAT' which contains Defects and SuperForm.

The readme file mentions version 1.42 of the level 3 fileserver code,
and that it's not been through Acorn's full release and test procedure.

The !BOOT file contains the following:

  *KEY 0*RUN FS||M1||MS80||M
  *FX 138,0,128

... but if I set the master to boot from the hard disk all it does is
make lots of horrible noise from the speaker and dumps me back to the
'>' prompt. 

Maybe 'FS' isn't supposed to work with a Master? Or maybe it's looking
for some particular ROM code which isn't present? 

If it does look like it has a fileserver partition on there I suppose
it'd be nice if there was a way of looking at the contents without
setting up a whole Econet! :)

thoughts welcome...




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