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Date   : Mon, 15 Aug 2005 09:00:40 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg (was: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge)

On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 02:49 +0100, Samwise wrote:
> No sooner have I disavowed all such knowledge of the existence of a version
> of Chuckie Egg with two ducks in it, and someone goes and releases a retro
> remake with that feature in, less than a week later.  The someone in
> question being an Australian called Edo Broekman.

heh heh :) 

The funny thing is that I've never kept up with Chuckie Egg lore - I
pretty much gave up on the gaming scene when the golden days of the 8-
bitters died out. So why I'm misremembering two ducks in a game of the
time I don't know; it's not like I've had conversations about the game
in the meantime since the days when I used to play it myself...

Could there have been an unofficial version of the game floating around
at the time which did have this feature? I know the one we used to play
was (shock, horror) a copied rather than original floppy. Unfortunately
I took copies of Repton, Citadel and Pole Position (which we used to
play a lot) back then for a future date when I might get my own beeb,
but I don't think I copied Chuckie Egg :-(

I remember the sequence as being normal levels, then levels repeated
with extra chickens wandering around, then levels repeated with two
ducks (can't remember if the number of chickens went back to normal at
that point or not!)

Knowing me I'm imagining things though :-)



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