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Date   : Thu, 11 Aug 2005 00:01:10 +0100
From   : "Jeremy Grayson" <jeremy.grayson@...>
Subject: CG Expo UK this weekend - BBC Micro presence!

Hello everyone, 

Some or all of you may be aware that Saturday, August 13th sees the
staging of the second annual Computer Games Expo UK exhibition at the
Fairfield Hall, Croydon, Surrey UK. Doors open at 10am, and the event
runs until 7pm. The theme is simply and unashamedly wall to wall retro
gaming; there'll be dozens of stands containing old games, long-since
obselete home computers and consoles, as well as; 

- plenty of original coin-op arcade machines to amuse you, 
- live world record attempts with the official body Twin Galaxies in
attendance should any be broken, 
- "audience with" sessions featuring, among others, Dropzone creator
Archer MacLean, numerous of the leading Ocean programmers from that
label's mid-1980s heyday, and - back for a second year due to
overwhelming demand - the utterly unhinged Matthew "Manic Miner" Smith. 

See also www.cgeuk.com . 

As per last year, myself (c/o me) and Crispin Boylan (c/o The BBC Games
Archive) shall have our own completely BBC / Electron-flavoured stall,
on which we shall run a variety of real live genuine living breathing
BBC Micros, one similarly sentient Acorn Electron and probably also
Cris' Linux PC so you can see his site (newly revamped in readiness for
the show). Sadly Chris Richardson of 8bs is unable to join us this year,
so the ad hoc BBC repairs / surgery he was performing last time around
will have to be foregone, but notwithstanding this, I hope some of you
are still minded enough to come and visit us and rack up some monster
scores whilst you're at it. 

We shall be selling lots of original tape and disc games and educational
software from the stall, plus a smattering of magazines, books and user
guides. If it comes off, Cris should have some BBC Micro-themed t-shirts
for sale as well. 

We will also have the following games available to play from a selection
of discs we're bringing with us, and we'll be delighted to let you roll
back the years on any of these on request; 

Alien 8 .... Arcadians .... Arkanoid .... Atic Atac .... Aviator 
Balloon Buster .... Banana Man .... Bozo and Beebo .... Bug Blaster 
Carousel .... Castle Quest .... Chuckie Egg .... Citadel 
Codename : Droid .... Commando .... Cookie .... Cowboy Shootout 
Crazee Rider .... Cybertron .... Danger! UXB .... Elite .... Exile 
Firetrack .... Flip! .... Frak! .... Free Fall .... Galaforce 1, 2 
GRANNY'S GARDEN (oh yes indeed! our most played game last year!) 
Hellforce .... Hopper .... Hunchback .... Impossible Mission 
Jet Set Willy 1,2 .... Klax .... Knightlore .... Manic Miner .... Maze 
Meteors .... Missile Strike .... Nifty Lifty .... Nightshade .... Pengo 
Planetoid .... Psycastria .... Ransack .... Ravenskull .... Repton 1, 2,
Revs .... See Emily Play .... Skirmish .... Smash & Grab .... Snapper 
Spy Hunter .... Starquake .... Star Wars .... Stryker's Run 
Super Invaders .... Tempest .... Tetrapod .... Tetris .... The Sorceror 
3D Dotty.... Thunderstruck .... Transistor's Revenge 
Twin Kingdom Valley .... XLCR 

Pretty much all of the classics there, then, plus Granny's Garden (which
we'd get lynched over if we didn't bring), a few cult faves and the odd
personal indulgence (me and Cris must be the only two people still
playing Banana Man even semi-regularly!). 

If you are attending CG Expo, would like to play on our machines but
can't see the game you want to play in the list above, please drop me a
line before Friday morning to graysonscolumn@..., and I'll knock
something up before I leave for Croydon. 

Equally, if there are any original games for which you are particularly
searching, send a mail to the same address with the details, and if I
have one I'll make it available to you for collection at the exhibition
at an agreed price. 

Look forward to seeing you there! 

BBC Computer Games Resources

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